Episode 9 – City planning: it takes a village (Part 2)

Episode 9 – City planning: it takes a village (Part 2)

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This is the second of a two-part interview with AJ Fawver, who at the time of this discussion was director of planning for the City of Lubbock, Texas. (She’s now with Verdunity! Note to future podcast guests: we apparently might try to hire you!)

Listen to Part 1 here.

Follow AJ on Twitter: @planningguru. Read her blog on ELGL here.

In part two, we talk about the world of strengths assessments and communication styles—and how they can be applied to make organizations like city government more effective and empathetic. Then Kevin asks AJ what she as a planner wants people other roles in the city to know. They run through advice and input for elected officials, city management, economic development folks, engineers, and citizens.

Episode 10 – Chuck Marohn of Strong Towns

Episode 10 – Chuck Marohn of Strong Towns

Episode 8 – Nine lessons for building stronger communities